The Great Revival, also known as Wo Xin Chang Dan, is a Chinese television series based on the conflict between the Yue and Wu states during the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history. The Chinese title of the series comes from a Chinese idiom derived from King Goujian of Yue’s perseverance in overcoming the odds to revive his fallen state of Yue and conquer the rival state of Wu. The series was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in mainland China in January 2007.
Youths and Golden Coffin 4 (2025)
May Your Heart Be Like Mine (2025)
The Romance Of The Condor Heroes (2014)
Stolen Love (2025)
The Dangerous Lover (2024)
The Stunning Record of Jianghu / Miraculous Detective in Jianghu (2023)
The Shiny Group (2023)
Wise Woman (2023)
Warrior (2019)
The Gentle Crackdown (2005)
Warrior (Season 2) (2019)
The Devil Force (1987)
Ossan’s Love Thailand (2025)
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